Community leaps into midwinter charity Splash

People in wigs, tutus, sparkly dresses and superman outfits created a splash of colour on wintery Arkles Bay Beach on Sunday July 30, as they warmed up ahead of the Midwinter Splash.

In total, the annual dip has raised more than $10,000 for hospice since it began, with just a handful of participants, in 2017.

This year around 70 people of all ages took part, including a group of students from Whangaparāoa College, families with young children and their dogs. Their contributions, and those from passers-by, added almost $600 to this year’s total of $1771 – the bulk of which came from a Givealittle page.

Organiser Greg Holland says what makes it special is the way the community have embraced the event, put it on their calendars and look forward to it each year.

Some brave participants wore only their togs, others the briefest of costumes, while some confessed to having wetsuits under their outfits.

There was a lot of enthusiastic splashing once everyone was in, especially from the children and dogs. 

Reports of the water temperature varied from “not as cold as last year”, and “refreshing”, to “so cold it burns”.

Greg hopes to grow the Splash in the coming years, encouraging more school participation and promoting it widely.

“People get behind it because it’s a bit of fun, gets them out of their comfort zone and supports a great cause,” he says.